Home / Products / MityDSP-L138(F) Family

MityDSP-L138(F) FamilyOMAP-L138 & Sitara AM1808 MityDSP / MitySOM Family


The OMAP-L138 family of MityDSP System on Modules (SOM) includes a series of MityDSP-L138(F) modules featuring  Texas Instruments’ OMAP & Sitara families of single and multi-core processors tightly integrated with the Spartan-6 FPGA from Xilinx.  This architecture provides system designers with the flexibility to address a wide range of system requirements.

Given that all modules in the family are pin-for-pin compatible, and that each is available with and without the on-board FPGA, this family readily handles evolving product requirements, or those of a family of products requiring various levels of processing capability.

Block Diagram

L138 Family Block Diagram


The table below gives a summary of the modules available:

456MHz 456MHz None
456MHz 456MHz Spartan-6




USB (2) McASP Timers
UART (3) McBSP (2) uPP
MMC/SD (2) SPI (2) uHPI
LCD I2C (2)
Note: Interfaces in the OMAP-L138 & AM1808 share I/O pins, contact Critical Link for information on whether your specific set of interfaces are effected by on-chip pin muxing. In addition to these integrated interfaces, the on-board FPGA allows for additional standard and custom interfaces to be added to the module’s capabilities. Using Critical Link’s library of available FPGA I/O cores, designers can easily add a variety of additional interface support to their designs, or design their own custom interface or logic to offload the CPU subsystem.

Additional I/O Cores Available with FPGA

12, 16, 18, 24-bit ADC Stepper Motor Control
12, 14, 16-bit DAC Camera Link
General Purpose I/O Additional UARTs
Temperature Sensor High Speed USB
Touch Screen Timing Generator
PWM Additional SPI, I2C
Pulse Integrator IIR Filter
Frequency Adjustable Clock Arbitrary Waveform Generator

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