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What’s brewing with AI?

Research published in Nature Communications described how AI models are being used to find not only how consumers will rate a beer, but also how to make a beer that’s better tasting.
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Critical Link Introduces Agilex 5 SoC FPGA Solutions

Syracuse, N.Y. – April 30, 2024 – Critical Link, LLC, a leading US-based manufacturer of FPGA, DSP, and CPU-based System on Modules, is pleased to announce new embedded solutions around the AgilexTM 5 SoC FPGA E-Series from Altera®. Critical Link is developing two product families around the Agilex 5 SoC FPGA E-Series: a single board […]
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How smart is your shopping cart?

For Thanksgiving, some shoppers will no doubt be shopping the old-fashioned way,. Others will be doing self-checkout, doing their own RFID scanning and bagging. Still others may find themselves pushing an AI-powered smart cart.
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AI isn’t quite human-like. Yet. But it’s getting closer

There’s been plenty of buzz in the last month or so about AI chatbots. And there’s no doubt about it, AI is making chatbots more human-like. Still, it looks like we still have a bit of time before the human race is completely replaced by machines.
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Chip Design via AI

Google is always up to something interesting, and one of the interesting things they’ve been up to is using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate the chip design process.
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