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What a difference a decade makes

As the year ends, I always find it interesting to look back at what’s happened during the past year in terms of technology. While I was wandering around looking for ideas, I came across an article by Kevin Ryan- “The Ten Greatest Investions of the Past Decade” –  on Inc. from this time in 2019. […]
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Have you ever seen a building walking?

It didn’t happen all that often, but every once in a while, when I was growing up, there’d be something in the news about a house being moved from one location to another. As I recall, it was usually an old farmhouse in the path of development, and the owners wanted to keep their home’s […]
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‘Tis the season to shop for tech toys

Well, it’s December now, and anyone celebrating one of the gift-giving holidays that’s coming up is likely going into shopping overdrive. Even though my kids are grown up, and there are as yet no grandkids on the scene, I always enjoy some virtual “window shopping” for tech toys. (Guess I’m a kid at heart.) So […]
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3D Printed Housing: It’s happening!

I have a long-standing fascination with 3D printing. It’s such an interesting technology, and has been put to so many good uses. It’s great for product prototyping and manufacture. It has many medical applications, from prosthetics to some recent work where it was deployed to create much-needed parts for ventilators used for COVID patients. Musical […]
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The Electronics Industry Responds to COVID – Part 4

We’ve now come to the end of set of posts I’ve been doing that summarizes EDN Aspencore’s series of interesting and informative articles on the response that the electronics industry has been making to the coronavirus crisis. My first post covered Majeed Ahmad’s “sneak peek” at the design ecosystem being built up around helping us […]
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Keep Your Distance: The Electronics Industry Responds to COVID, Part 3

Over the summer, EDN Aspencore published a series of articles on how the electronics industry has responded to the COVID pandemic. In term, I’m doing a series of blog posts summarizing these articles. In my first post, I discussed Majeed Ahmad brief, which offered a “sneak peek into the brand-new design ecosystem built around the […]
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The Electronics Industry Replies to COVID – Part Two

Two weeks ago, we kicked off a set of blog posts focused on a series of articles from EDN/AspenCore on how the electronics industry has been responding to the pandemic. (These articles appeared in EE Times.) In my first post, I summarized an article by Majeed Ahmad that offered a “sneak peek into the brand-new […]
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On the road to autonomous vehicles

As a car enthusiast, and a devoted techie, I’ve been an avid follower of all the news about autonomous vehicles. While we’re definitely on the road to autonomous vehicles, the road is long and winding. And there are speedbumps along the way. But as everyone who’s sat behind the wheel – hands off! – while […]
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