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Thanks for the memories, implants

Researchers have long been working on brain implants that will help with memory loss. Now devices that can restore memory-generation capability for those who’ve suffered traumatic brain injuries are closer to becoming a reality.
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Ro, ro, ro your boat

I’ve had an interest in robotics, dating back to my grad school days. So naturally I was intrigued by a recent article I saw on Futurism about how MIT scientists, funded by the city of Amsterdam are building “self-piloting” mini-barges — “Roboats” — “to cruise its canals and make better use of waterways that have […]
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How technology saved – and will restore – Notre Dame Cathedral

Like most of the world, I was saddened by the devastating fire that did so much damage to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris last month. You don’t have to have been to this magnificent building, nor do you have to be religious, to be heartened that the damage was contained and the building will be […]
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Gene Frantz on the IoT: Now it’s the cloud’s turn

I recently came across series of blog posts by Gene Frantz, devoted to the IoT. Since coming across these posts, I’ve done a summary of Gene’s definition of the IoT, and a second post on his three-part discussion on aggregators, one of three IoT components he writes about (the others are the cloud and smart […]
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