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Keeping Cool with the Embr Wave

I’m always on the lookout for novel and interesting gadgets, so I was happy when a friend in Boston pointed the Wave from Embr Labs my way. The Wave is a wearable, a device you wear on your wrist – remember your wrist? That part at the end of your arm where you used to wear […]
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Embedded Computing for High Performance: Power & Energy Consumption

Earlier posts in this series on "Embedded Computing for High Performance" focused on target architectures and multiprocessor and multicore architectures; core-based architectural enhancement and hardware accelerators; and performance. In this installment, we cover power and energy consumption.
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Just What Is Embedded Imaging

We're often asked just what embedded imaging is so we've put together a brief video that provides a high level explanation of a technology that's becoming increasingly prevalent across a broad range of applications.
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Embedded Computing for High Performance: Architectures

Spurred on by the explosion of interest in the Internet of Things, there’s been an explosion of interest in embedded systems. Because of this, Embedded.com is running excerpts from the recently published book "Embedded Computing for High Performance". In this and my next few posts, I’ll be briefly summarizing these excerpts (and encouraging all readers to read the articles in their entirety
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Medical Device Security in the News

Technology that both “enhances the quality of our lives” while at the same time posing “potential challenges” pretty much sums up the Internet of Things when it comes to the consumer end of the product spectrum.
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Rick Merritt’s Top Innovations for 2017 (from EE Times)

It’s still January, so I think it’s okay to sneak in a final 2017 wrap-up, this one a summary of Rick Merritt’s column, “8 Top Innovations of 2017: Engineers march toward progress,” that appeared in a late December EE Times.
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What I missed at CES 2018

I’m always curious about what goes on at CES, the mega consumer electronics show held in Las Vegas every January. Consumer is not the market we typically plays in, but the types of technology that make their way into consumer applications are also found in industrial and scientific applications.
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Tech Trends 2018

Like everyone else in the world, when the new year rolls around, I start thinking about what’s going to happen in this bright and sparkling new year. And I’m curious about what others are saying about what’s going to happen.
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