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An anti-poaching collar: yet another interesting application using sensors

Ákos Lédeczi is a professor of computer engineering at Vanderbilt, and George Wittemyer teaches in Colorado State’s department of fish, wildlife and conservation biology. They’re designing an anti-poaching collar designed for use with big game in Africa, which they wrote about in an EE Times article.
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Sensor Proliferation

Two things that tend to capture my interest in an article are sensors and cars, and Bill Schweber’s entertaining post in a recent EE Times featured both. So I was entertained.
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Looking back on 20 great years

Hard to believe, but it was twenty years ago this past summer that four young (or youngish) embedded systems engineers –  John Fayos, Omar Rahim, Dave Rice, and myself – got together and founded Critical Link.
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Weather Forecasting

Over the past month or so, I’ve been keeping my eye on the news about hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria...What’s most interesting to me in all this is, of course, the underlying science and technology of weather forecasting.
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A stroll down memory lane

My last post (on asynch resets) wasn’t exactly light summer reading. So I thought that, as the summer winds down, I’d give you a break by focusing on a couple of recent EE Times articles that are a bit more fun. (Not that asynch resets can’t be fun…)
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Asynch resets. (Some light summer reading…)

It’s the dog days of summer. Everyone’s thinking vacation. Or back to school. Or cooling off. Or all three. So this is something of a heavy duty topic to ask you to read up on. But just a few days ago, I came across a three-part article on embedded.com, in with Reuven Dobkin addressed the topic of “Asynchronous reset synchronization and distribution – challenges and solutions.”
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