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What you missed if you weren’t at ARM TechCon, Part Two

Last week, we began summarizing Rich Quinnell’s EE Times article on the new technologies that caught his eye at the recent ARM TechCon Conference. That post covered the first five of Rich’s “ten most intriguing technologies.” Here we’ll take care of the second half of the list.
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What you missed if you weren’t at ARM TechCon

We weren’t at the recent ARM TechCon, but are always interested in hearing about what’s new with ARM. So we were happy to see Rich Quinnell’s account (on EE Times) on the new technologies he saw there. Here’s part one of my quick summary of Rich’s article
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Google’s new OS: Fuschia

Recently, there's been a lot of buzz and speculation about a newly discovered operating system (OS) project on Google Code (mirrored also at GitHub): Fuschia.
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The Future of Test & Measurement

Back in September, Martin Rowe had a very interesting piece on EDN entitled “What will drive test & measurement?” In his column, Rowe combines the answers that two of his readers had given to some questions he had earlier posed on the test industry.
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Eye Spy

As a replacement for passwords, all eyes seem to be turning to iris-scans and/or facial recognition. And one of the technology leaders here is FotoNation, the company that – bless them – came up with the algorithms that cameras and smartphones have been using for years to eliminate “red eye” photos.
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ARM in Space

Like most “science kids”, I grew up interested in rockets and space exploration. I haven’t completely outgrown it – does anyone ever? – so it was not surprising that a recent blog on EDN by Rajan Bedi, Spacecraft data handling using ARM-based processors, caught my eye.
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More than a software company, that’s for sure

There’s plenty of evidence that Microsoft is more than a software company. But if you need any more, it’s all there in a recent Wired article by Cade Metz that my colleague Alex King sent my way.
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Once again, we revisit PTC

Once again, there’s been a train accident which, if there’d been Positive Train Control (PTC) in use, might have been avoided. So once again, we’re revisiting PTC.
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“Electronics for Kids”

I haven't read the book myself (yet), so this is going to e a book review of a book review, but I very much enjoyed Max Maxfield's recent article on Electronics for Kids by Oyvind Nydal Dahl.
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GM’s Latest Recall

Many years ago, I was watching a documentary on World War II, specifically on the American GI’s involved in the Normandy invasion and the campaign that followed. One of the things that was pointed out was the ability of American soldiers to keep their jeeps and tanks up and running.,,Given the sophistication of today’s vehicles, in which the mechanical has been replaced by the electronic, it’s less likely to see how these “Yankee ingenuity” scenarios could play out on today’s battlefield.
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