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Thinking outside the data sheet

Sometimes to hit the requirements you need, you just have to think outside the data sheet. Gene Frantz and some colleagues addressed this is a still-timely TI white paper, and a follow-on article in EE TImes.
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Vintage lectures on transistors

Thought I’d do one more post – maybe I should make that one more for now – based on the looks back in time that EDN has been doing on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. This ones on some vintage lectures on transistors - the "new thing" in 1960.
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Before My Time, Part Two

Last week, I blogged about some technology news from in the 1950’s. That post was based on an article by Steve Taranovich that appeared on EDN a couple of weeks back, as the magazine celebrates its 60th anniversary. This week will be a second take on Steve’s article, this time taking a look at the “electronics developments and ideas from technical white papers from that era”.
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Before my time

It was before my time, but I did get a kick out of a great recent article by Steve Taranovich on EDN that talked about the technology that was emerging when EDN was first published in 1956.
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“The Secret History of Silicon Valley”: check it out!

I heard recently from a friend of Critical Link, who sent me a link to a Google Tech Talk video from the way back: 2008. To me, Steve Blank’s The Secret History of Silicon Valley is really not so much a secret history as it is a forgotten history. Especially for those of us who think that Silicon Valley began with Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. Or with Steve Jobs. Or Marc Andreasson. Or Sergey Brin.
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Engineers as Dreamers

At the heart of pretty much every engineer I know – and I know a lot of engineers – there’s a tinkerer, an inventor, a dreamer. It’s just the way we think and operate. So I very much enjoyed an article by Cabe Atwell, “10 Universal Projects Every Engineer Dreams Up” that appeared last week in EE Times.
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FPGA Design Techniques

I feel a little bit guilty about throwing something this technical out there in the middle of the summer, but Adam Taylor’s recent article in EE Times, “10 FPGA Design Techniques You Should Know” was just too good to pass up.
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Mapping out autonomous driving

I'm intrigued by the technology that will be deployed [in self-driving cars], so I was interested to see an article in Tech Times the other day on Civil Maps. They’re a Silicon Valley startup that does 3D-mapping. The company just announced an investment round of $6.6M. Ford is one of the investors.
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Robotic technology comes to the world of furniture

The MIT Media Lab spin-out that’s been getting some press lately is Orisystems, which describes itself as “the brawn and brain of the furniture and architecture of the future.” The systems that Ori designs – and the name, by the way, is taken from origami, the Japanese paper-folding art – are built for micro-living.
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The Internet of Tomatoes

As we’re nearing that great time of year when local farm stands (and neighbors’ backyard gardens) have local tomatoes, I couldn’t resist what appears to be an advertiorial by Analog Devices (a.k.a. ADI) that appeared in a recent Technology Review. I mean, how could I pass up a piece entitled "IoT: The Internet of Tomatoes"?
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