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Dissolvable Electronics. (Wow!)

One of the most interesting articles I've come across recently was from Ars Technica on dissolvable electronics, which someday soon will be used for health monitoring...With so many flashy consumer gadgets out there, it’s sometimes easy to lose sight of the many really profound uses that emerging technology is put to.
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See you at Photonics West

We'll be at Photonics West next week in San Francisco, showcasing our new infrared-enhanced CCD camera, the MityCCD-H11501, as well as our MityCAM sCMOS-based cameras. If you're going to be there, stop by Booth 630 to check them out.
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“Enabling Technologies for Industry 4.0”

With so much focus on the consumer aspects of the Internet of Things, it’s always good to see something about what’s happening in an industrial setting. So I was very happy to run across a post on TI’s site, “Smart factories of the future - Enabling technologies for Industry 4.0,” by Ahmed Bahai, which I've summarized in this post.
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The three embedded market trends you should be considering

Last week, we posted an article on the ARM Connected Community site. Our post wasn’t ARM-specific, but was rather our take on the trends we’re seeing in the embedded market (including ARM, of course). Anyway, I thought you’d be interested in what we had to say, so we’re running the article here, as well.
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The Growth of the Internet of Things

You hear a lot – make that an awful lot – about the Internet of Things (IoT) these days. From both a professional and personal point of view, I find this all very exciting. Thus, I was interested in a recent article on Forbes by Louis Columbus, had an excellent roundup of IoT forecasts and market size estimates.
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CES 2016 – in case you missed it

Early January always means the Consumer Electronics Show, held each year in Las Vegas. I always enjoy reading about it, and one of the sources I looked at this year was William Wong of Embedded Design. Here's my summary of what caught his eye.
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What’s coming in 2016. (One man’s view, anyway.)

At Critical, we’re optimistic about 2016. We predict that we’ll be doing interesting work that uses the latest technology, and that we’ll be working on big important applications, not silly, useless ones.
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Tis the Season for Tech Toys

With our youngest just off to college, we’re well beyond Santa at our house, but I still like to do a bit of virtual window shopping for toys, the techie, gadgety ones.
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The Kitchen of the Future (according to IKEA)

I recently came across an article (published last spring) on IKEA’s “Concept Kitchen 2025”, a collaboration between IKEA, IDEO and some university student designers. It’s all a bit Jetsons, but quite interesting, that’s for sure.
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