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Securing the IoT

One of the downsides of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the often flimsy security that comes along with them. This is especially true on the consumer side.
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Engineering and the VW Scandal

As an engineer who’s also a “car guy”, I’ve monitored the VW emissions scandal with some degree of sadness. I’ve always been proud of being an engineer, and one of my points of pride has been that our profession has a reputation for honesty – almost to a fault (as in being blunt, which some might say is an engineering characteristic). Sure, there are black hat hackers who use their engineering smarts to no good end, but mostly we’re an honest bunch.
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More on ARM and the Internet of Things

We didn’t attend last week’s ARM TechCon, so I didn’t get to hear Mike Muller, ARM’s CTO give his keynote. One of his focuses was on the security issue, but he also talked about the adoption of ARM-based servers and other ARM-related topics.
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Kangaroo Collision Avoidance

Kangaroo collision avoidance is a big problem in Australia. Up until now, drivers could install roo bars – metal grills – on the front of their vehicles. But there’s now a more high-tech solution on the horizon. Volvo is studying kangaroo behavior so that it can fine tool its sensors to better respond to how kangaroos behave:
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Trick or Treat

Let’s face it, few holidays are as much out-and-out fun as Halloween is, especially when you throw in the spooky projects highlighted on Makezine.
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TI Announces Sitara AM57x

Don’t know if you caught TI’s announcement last week, but there’s a new kid in town in their Sitara family: the high-performance Sitara AM57x processors.
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28,000 Sensors? That’s one really smart building.

The Edge in Amsterdam is the world’s greenest building. BREEAM – the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology, a British rating system – awarded The Edge a sustainability score of 98.4, the highest ever given. It may also be the world’s smartest building.
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One step at a time: how Jawbone counts steps

For my fitness tracker, I have a Jawbone UP3, which bills itself as “the most advanced tracker you can buy.” I like it, but I’m still waiting for some of the more advanced functions that they promised to implement with it when they launched it back at the end of last year. Anyway, I was looking at Jawbone’s blog, and they have a couple of recent posts on step-counting, which is one of the core features of pretty much all fitness trackers.
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Embedded Barbie

My daughters are well beyond Barbie age, but a recent article in the NY Times still managed to catch my eye. Thanks to AI, speech recognition, and embedded technology, Barbie, it seems, is getting smart.
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