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What’s new in HUD? Microsoft’s HoloLens.

Microsoft has a new entry into the “facespace” space. The HoloLens lands somewhere between what Oculus is doing more or less successfully on the “power end” and what Google attempted to do with Glass at the “convenience end.”
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Robots in the vineyard

A number of organizations in the EU are working on the VineRobot, which will provide a more efficient and effective way to inspect grapes.
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“The Internet of Things that See”

Brian Dipert of the Embedded Vision Alliance had a recent article, “The Internet of Things that See”, that's an interesting round-up of some of the embedded vision applications.
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Laughing Matter

There's a new and interesting application of facial recognition: a comedy club in Spain charging its audience based on how many times they laugh during a show.
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How printed circuit boards were made in 1969

The Museum of Vintage Tektronix Equipment has a 1969 video that shows circuit boards being designed and manufactured. Very interesting look at how things were done back in the day.
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Challenges Facing IIoT in 2015, Part Two

Last week, I wrote about the first five of Rich Quinnell’s “10 Top Challenges Industrial IoT Must Overcome in 2015,” which appeared in EE Times in late December. This week, I'm summarizing the remaining challenges on this list.
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Challenges Facing Industrial IoT in 2015

I’ve always been a sucker for end of old year/beginning of new year roundups and forecasts....One of the more interesting roundup/what’s next pieces I saw was Rich Quinnell’s “10 Top Challenges Industrial IoT Must Overcome in 2015,” which appeared in EE Times in late December.
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A look back at 2014

As 2014 winds down, we thought it would be fun to look back at the year and reflect – okay, brag a bit – about our accomplishments.
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That is one massive HD display

I was in New York City over Thanksgiving, and got to see the massive new HD display in Times Square, the largest such screen in the world.
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