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Heads-Up Technology

One of the more interesting vision systems applications I've seen is Heads-Up Display technology (HUD). HUD is a transparent way of showing information on the screen in front of someone, without having them have to look down.
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Finding Out the Hard Way

Because Critical Link does so much with vision systems, I’m always interested in camera applications. Or I was until one nabbed me for speeding in Germany.
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Cape Vincent Lighthhouse

The other day, I happened across an article in Vision Systems Design on how CMOS imagers are trying to increase the dynamic range they support so that they can capture images under both day and night light conditions. The article highlights some of the techniques sensor manufacturers are using to increase dynamic range, and references […]
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The Internet of Animals

The Internet of Things keeps growing. One of the latest is a Fitbit-like device for dogs that let's you monitor, log, and schedule your pet's exercise.
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Schrödinger’s cat (sort of)

We don’t quite get involved in the “no information” scenarios like the Schrödinger's cat experiment, but two of our newest MityCAMs incorporate sCMOS sensors from Fairchild Imaging that offer superior performance in low light applications.
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What with Halloween soon upon us and all…

What with Halloween soon upon us and all, I got to thinking about coming up with a topic that’s related to both Trick or Treat and embedded electronics. The one I came up with is the bat deaths associated with wind farms.
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The Human Brain Project

The European Union's Human Brain Project aims to create an artificial brain by 2023. So I guess our jobs are safe until then...
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Wearable Technology:  Ring Theory Puts a Ring on It

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about wearable technology. Shortly after the post appeared, I got an e-mail from a friend in Boston who wrote to me about her wearable tech: a pass for using the “T”, Boston’s public transportation system. It’s called the Sesame Ring, and it kind of looks like something that […]
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