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Critical Link in space

One of our clients is embedding the MityCAM into a product that's going into space. Our MityCAM (which combines a scientific sCMOS sensor and a Cortex-A9 for processing) will be used to image the stars and manage some onboard image processing.
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Designing for the Wearables Market

Other than the intense focus on the user experience, the process that governs design for the types of scientific, medical, transportation, defense, and industrial apps that Critical Link gets involved in isn't all that different than designing for the wearables market.
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People Counting

In a highway welcome center in New Hampshire, I recently came across an interesting vision-system application: a people counter recording tourists in and tourists out.
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The Industrial IoT

The Industrial IOT raises some exciting possibilities for really improving industrial products and processes. But it would be risky to make wholesale networking changes to systems that have been in place and working well for years.
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What Network on Chip can do for you

Higher bandwidth, speedier time-to-market, a smaller die size, lower power consumption, increased productivity...Network on Chip has lots of advantages
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Would you like fries with that new technology?

If you're doing any driving through fast-food restaurants these days, you've probably seen some of the workers communicating via head sets. What you don't see is that one of our SOM's may be part of the behind the scenes technology.
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Digital technology comes to the NFL (sort of)

The NFL will be issuing tablets for the players and coaches to use on the sidelines to review (and annotate) pictures of plays. But the laptops will have limited functionality: no video, no Internet, and the NFL will keep them under lock and key between games to that no team tampers with them.
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Keep on Truckin’

Peloton Tech is introducing an interesting new system that will enable trucks to form electronically-linked convoys, saving on fuel and improving safety.
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On the Road Again

Here's a rundown of the events that Critical Link will be attending over coming months. If you're in the neighborhoods...
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OnSemi makes some moves

ON Semi has been making a lot of moves this year, which tells me that we'll be seeing more and more applications using imaging out there.
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