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Tech in the Classroom

While virtual learning is the educational tech use case that, thanks to covid, comes first to mind, there are many ways that technology is deployed in the classroom,
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Car Talk

Some of today’s most compelling technological developments are happening in the automotive realm, which works for me, given my interest in both technology and cars.
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Agricultural Technology

Emerging technology in the agricultural arena is helping tackle myriad environmental, economic, and food security issues as the world population increases and places greater demands on the agricultural industry to operate in a more productive and efficient manner.
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A Different White Coat Effect

As the earth continues to heat up, most scientists predict that there’ll be more and more of what would have once been considered weather anomalies – the new normal will be abnormal. The good news is that there are many technologists focusing on ways to remediate the effects of global warming.
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Safe Travels!

The TSA has been introducing technology that will expedite the security process. The new tech will help on two fronts: ID checking to make sure that you’re the same person who’s ticketed on the flight; and making screening your carry-ons more convenient.
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Edge Intelligence in the IoT Era

Basically, edge intelligence means that data is analyzed and solutions generated as close as possible to the point where the data itself is generated, rather than in the cloud.
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Security in the IoT Era

In this, our third post on EETimes series on trends around Embedded in the IoT Era, I’ll be summarizing some of the articles devoted to security.
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Connectivity and Low Power in the IoT Era

EETimes has been running articles that address some of the challenges that designers are grappling with when they’re creating IoT apps. Given that connectivity is the most fundamental attribute of the IoT, it’s not surprising that one of the key challenge arenas lies here.
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