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Smarter than the average basketball

We’re in Syracuse. This time of year, this means that we’re really, really, really focused on basketball. I’m writing this a bit before March Madness kicks off, but I’m pretty sure that The Orange are still in it at this point. Maybe this is even our year, though the way they have been playing lately, […]
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How well does SO-DIMM stand up to shock and vibration?

Critical Link’s System on Modules use a SO-DIMM connector, and we sometimes get asked just how well this type of connection will stand up to shock and vibration for applications that really get a workout.  This is a good question, and if the answer were “it doesn’t”, customers with apps where there’s a whole lot […]
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How the MityDSP got its name

Every once in a while we’re asked how the MityDSP – the original member of Critical Link’s Mity family – got its name.  Were we paying homage to MIT? (Or to James Thurber’s Walter Mitty, but forgot to add a second “t”?) Does “mity” have some special engineering meaning that only Critical Link was familiar […]
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Partner Focus: Timesys for Embedded Open Source Linux

In developing our System on Modules (SoMs), we look to incorporate the best available hardware and software components – components that support the purpose of each SoM, and that are produced by partners that share our commitment to quality.  Our MitySOM-3359 SoM is embedded in a lot of applications that require sophisticated UIs and 3-D […]
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Is DSP Dead? Not Really.

With Gene Frantz, the father of DSP, retiring from TI, I thought it might be time to once again revive a question that comes up every few years (sometimes even because Gene has raised it): is DSP dead? Believe me, since many of our SoM’s incorporate DSP, and, in turn, are used in our customer’s […]
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