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So far, purely autonomous vehicles have proved to be problematic other than under perfect conditions: fine weather, the road clear as far as the eye can see, no heedless pedestrians stepping off the curb while texting…
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In the market for a new TV?

If you're in the market for new TV, there's the C SEED M1. It's $400,000, which admittedly is a lot, but the watching experience is said to be "breathtaking."
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What’s trending in technology for 2021

It's till not too late to take a look at the technology trends for the new year. So here’s my summarization of the trends list created by Anis Uzzaman on Inc.
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The (Smart) Puck Starts Here

This year, when the puck drops, the NHL puck will be smarter than ever, and a lot smarter than one might expect from a six-ounce hunk of vulcanized rubber.
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